Today’s consumer society has established the leading position of brands that communicate beyond the only benefits coming from the consumption of their products and services. When the founders of the agency named it Saga back in 1993, they were already anticipating the potential of a Content based on brand values through a structured and perennial story, the only way for brands to build a strong and sustainable relationship with consumers.
Since 1993, Saga Group has emerged as a key player in the national communication arena. It has been driven by a constant concern to serve its clients in the best way possible thanks to its pool of talents. Every day, around a hundred employees design and imagine innovative ideas and strategies.
Le modèle de Saga a été conçu de façon à replacer les clients au cœur de son organisation, Tissant ainsi de vraies relations de partenariat avec eux. se mettant à leur diapason et déclinant leur culture à travers des campagnes multicanal. les partenaires de Saga se voient offrir les solutions idoines en phase avec leurs besoins et objectifs.. Fort de ce savoir-faire différenciateur, le Groupe compte parmi ses clients des marques historiques.
To face market transformations, Saga has been able to constantly reinvent itself in order to accompany its client-partners in this new environment. New areas of expertise have been added to the range of services provided by the agency in a market where brands are expecting integrated and relevant strategies.
La voie que Saga a choisie depuis son lancement s’est avérée pertinente, en témoignent les résultats de ce travail de longue haleine, incarnés, entre autres, par les nombreuses distinctions remportées par le Groupe, et ce aussi bien au niveau local qu’international.